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HB9EGZ-3 telemeetria - info
Comment: Mazda 5 @145.500 or HB9AG
Mic-E message: In service
Location: 47°27.01' N 8°33.86' E - lokaator JN47GK78RB - show map
3.4 km Põhja peiling 21° from Zürich (Kreis 11) / Seebach (Zuerich (Kreis 11) / Seebach), Bezirk Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland [?]
4.9 km Põhja peiling 19° from Zürich (Kreis 11) / Oerlikon (Zuerich (Kreis 11) / Oerlikon), Bezirk Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
9.3 km Põhja peiling 7° from Zürich, Bezirk Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
80.7 km Kagusse peiling 138° from Freiburg, Regierungsbezirk Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Last position: 2024-07-17 19:32:39 UTC (240d 12h51m ago)
2024-07-17 21:32:39 CEST local time at Zürich (Kreis 11) / Seebach, Switzerland [?]
Last telemetry: 2024-07-17 19:32:39 UTC (240d 12h51m ago)
2024-07-17 21:32:39 CEST local time at Zürich (Kreis 11) / Seebach, Switzerland [?]
Altitude: 445 m
Väärtused: Channel 1: 479 (TLM: 479 EQN: 0,1,0)
Channel 2: 619 (TLM: 619 EQN: 0,1,0)
Channel 3: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
Channel 4: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
Channel 5: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
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