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Callsign, ship name or locator: Puhasta       
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APRS objekt V3550143 - show graphs
Source callsign: PY2OAL-4
Comment: Clb=-5.3m/s t=-68.8C h=15.8% p=127.8hPa 402.998 MHz Type=RS41-SGP ser=V3550143 Radiosonde
Location: 25°28.19' S 48°59.46' W - lokaator GG54MM17CF - show map
7.9 km Kagusse peiling 113° from Piraquara, Paraná, Brazil [?]
14.4 km Kagusse peiling 143° from Quatro Barras, Paraná, Brazil
28.7 km Idast peiling 99° from Curitiba, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
93.9 km Põhja peiling 351° from Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Last position: 2024-11-04 00:48:37 UTC (129d 20h4m ago)
2024-11-03 21:48:37 -03 local time at Piraquara, Brazil [?]
Altitude: 15216 m
Course: 279°
Speed: 4 km/h
Last path: PY2OAL-4>APRS via TCPIP*,qAC,T2CHILE
Positions stored: 57
Others sourced by PY2OAL-4: K3013386 P1040644 T4220733 U3054388 U3054914 U4114847 U5250848 U5250980 U5251082 U5251482 U5251489 V0130217 V0250356 V0250366 V0250442 V0250566 V0250571 V0250572 V0311450 V0311451 V0311458 V0320062 V0330372 V0331325 V0331355 V0331359 V0331369 V0331373 V0350956 V0410658 V0410660 V0410667 V0410684 V0410690 V0440609 V3540840 V3540895 V3540899 V3550043 V3550103 V3550115 V3550128 V3550139 V3550145 V3560572 V3560589 V3560590 V3560594 V3560645 V3560648 V3560655 V3560659 V3560667 V3560670 V3560675 V3560676 V3561315 V3561318 V3561320 V3561322 V3561324 V3561339 V3610101 V3610664 V3610677 V3610932 V3611213 V3611214 V3611215 V3611290 V3611321 V3611333 V3620572 V3620601 V3620602 V3620606 V3620951 V3620959 V3620971 V3621069 V3621084 V3621085 V3630090 V3630746 V3630781 V3630791 V3630792 V3630807 V3657486 V3657606 V3667315 V3710387 V3720366 V3850260 W1236803 W2502250 W2950306 W2950361 W2950362 W2950363 W2950364 W2950367 W2950390 W2950427 W2950430 W2950431 W2950432 W2950472 W2950481 W2950482 W2950483 W2950484 W2950486 W2950510 W2950561 W2950563
Sellest saidist
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