Comment: | TX-iGate + Digipeater, Bremen, KS |
Location: | 39°54.72' N 96°46.25' W - lokaator EM19OV78MV - show map 13.2 km Loodesse peiling 307° from Marysville, Marshall County, Kansas, United States [?] 25.1 km Lõunasse peiling 202° from Wymore, Gage County, Nebraska, United States 99.1 km Lõunasse peiling 185° from Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, United States 134.1 km Loodesse peiling 316° from Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas, United States |
Last position: | 2025-03-13 20:59:12 UTC (24m29s ago) 2025-03-13 15:59:12 CDT local time at Marysville, United States [?] |
Last telemetry: | 2025-03-13 21:15:16 UTC (8m25s ago) – show telemetry Avg 10m: 0.008 Rx Erlang, Avg 10m: 0.017 Tx Erlang, RxPkts: 5 count/10m, IGateDropRx: 0 count/10m, TxPkts: 13 count/10m |
Device: | Kenneth W. Finnegan, W6KWF: Aprx (igate, Linux/Unix) |
Last path: | N0NB-10>APRX29 via TCPIP*,qAC,T2ALBERTA |
Positions stored: | 4 |
Items and objects originated: | 443.075NE 444.350KS W0GCJ |
Other SSIDs: | N0NB |
APRS igate – Statistics for 2025-03: | |
Stations heard directly: | 25 on radio path – show map |
Last heard a station directly: | 2025-03-13 17:48:47 UTC (3h34m ago) |
Normal receiver range estimate: | 200 km (Uuendatud: 2025-01-31 23:37:11 UTC) |
Position packets heard directly: | 921 on radio path |
Position packets sent to APRS-IS: | 1538 – show map |
kutsung | pkts | first heard - UTC | viimati kuuldud | longest | (tx => rx) | longest at - UTC |
kutsung | pkts | first heard - UTC | viimati kuuldud | longest | (rx => tx) | longest at - UTC |