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APRS jaam BV3BA-39 - show graphs
Comment: 2025-01-26 00:10:51 earthquake No. 039 magnitude: 5.3 focaldepth: 10.9 km 屏東縣政府東北東方 28.1 公里 (位於屏東縣三地門鄉)
Location: 22°49.80' N 120°42.60' E - lokaator PL02IT59EE - show map
28.8 km Kirdesse peiling 52° from Pingtung, Pingtung, Taiwan, Taiwan [?]
41.5 km Kagusse peiling 142° from Yujing, Taiwan, Taiwan
47.1 km Kirdesse peiling 60° from Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
53.9 km Idast peiling 109° from Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan, Taiwan
Last position: 2025-01-25 21:10:02 UTC (47d 16h29m ago)
2025-01-26 05:10:02 CST local time at Pingtung, Taiwan [?]
Device: Unknown: Experimental
Last path: BV3BA-39>APZ3BA via TCPIP*,qAS,BV3BA
Positions stored: 1
Other SSIDs: BV3BA-10 BV3BA-11 BV3BA-1 BV3BA-113 BV3BA-112 BV3BA-111 BV3BA-110 BV3BA-109 BV3BA-108 BV3BA-107 BV3BA-106 BV3BA-105 BV3BA-104 BV3BA-103 BV3BA-102 BV3BA-101 BV3BA-100 BV3BA-099 BV3BA-098 BV3BA-097 BV3BA-096 BV3BA-095 BV3BA-094 BV3BA-092 BV3BA-093 BV3BA-091 BV3BA-090 BV3BA-089 BV3BA-088 BV3BA-087 BV3BA-086 BV3BA-085 BV3BA-081 BV3BA-079 BV3BA-080 BV3BA-082 BV3BA-083 BV3BA-084 BV3BA-078 BV3BA-077 BV3BA-076 BV3BA-075 BV3BA-074 BV3BA-073 BV3BA-072 BV3BA-070 BV3BA-071 BV3BA-069 BV3BA-068 BV3BA-067 BV3BA-066 BV3BA-065 BV3BA-064 BV3BA-063 BV3BA-062 BV3BA-061 BV3BA-060 BV3BA-059 BV3BA-058 BV3BA-057 BV3BA-056 BV3BA-054 BV3BA-053 BV3BA-055 BV3BA-052 BV3BA-051 BV3BA-050 BV3BA-049 BV3BA-048 BV3BA-047 BV3BA-046 BV3BA-045 BV3BA-044 BV3BA-043 BV3BA-041 BV3BA-040 BV3BA-039 BV3BA-037 BV3BA-036 BV3BA-035 BV3BA-024 BV3BA-023 BV3BA-025 BV3BA-026 BV3BA-027 BV3BA-028 BV3BA-029 BV3BA-030 BV3BA-031 BV3BA-022 BV3BA-021 BV3BA-020 BV3BA-019 BV3BA-018 BV3BA-017 BV3BA-016 BV3BA-015 BV3BA-014 BV3BA-013 BV3BA-012
Sellest saidist
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