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AIS alus PEAK BILBAO - show graphs
Callsign: PBQB
MMSI number: 246479000
IMO number: 545027
Navigational status: Under way (engine) (0)
Vessel class: Cargo (70)
Destination: BILBAO
Location: 43°22.15' N 3°04.59' W - lokaator IN83LI08TO - show map
1.4 miles Põhja peiling 15° from Zierbena, Provincia de Vizcaya, Basque Country, Spain [?]
3.4 miles Läände peiling 285° from Getxo, Provincia de Vizcaya, Basque Country, Spain
10.6 miles Loodesse peiling 314° from Bilbao, Provincia de Vizcaya, Basque Country, Spain
41.4 miles Loodesse peiling 330° from Gasteiz / Vitoria (Vitoria-Gasteiz), Araba / Álava, Basque Country, Spain
Last position: 2024-04-22 04:22:39 EDT (21h7m ago)
2024-04-22 10:22:39 CEST local time at Zierbena, Spain [?]
Course: 164.5° – suund 160°
Speed: 7 MPH
Dimensions: pikkus 89 m laius 14 m süvis 3.9 m
Last path: PBQB>ais via EA1JAY
Positions stored: 111693
PEAK BILBAO lähedal asuvad jaamad - show more
kutsung kaugus viimati kuuldud - EDT      kutsung kaugus viimati kuuldud - EDT
IBAIZABAL SEIS343.9 yards 193°2024-04-22 23:17:34 2254030000.3 miles 174°2024-04-22 23:19:07
IBAIZABAL CATORCE0.4 miles 239°2024-04-22 16:29:42 SALAMANCA0.4 miles 357°2024-04-23 01:16:55
2246408700.4 miles 274°2024-04-16 08:40:58 GALDAMES0.5 miles 328°2024-04-22 23:12:31
BERING0.5 miles 0°2024-04-18 06:22:18 CRISTIN HT0.5 miles 65°2024-04-21 06:52:32
WILSON LEITH0.5 miles 11°2024-04-22 22:32:59 2248260000.5 miles 329°2024-04-19 21:13:07
PIS PROLIFIC0.5 miles 296°2024-04-22 11:25:32 SERVINOR UNO0.8 miles 118°2024-04-21 06:56:25
2244923400.8 miles 61°2024-04-20 07:04:55 WATER TIGER0.8 miles 277°2024-04-22 14:40:43
IBAIZABAL ONCE0.8 miles 343°2024-04-22 23:15:46 2259963680.9 miles 14°2024-04-14 23:25:57
CASTILLO DE ARTEAGA0.9 miles 271°2024-04-20 17:16:51 HUAHINE PRIMERO0.9 miles 325°2024-04-21 07:48:23
MARMOTINHA 1.0 miles 68°2024-04-20 07:27:04 NQ CALIPSO1.1 miles 109°2024-04-22 18:27:32
Sellest saidist
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